Becca could feel the chill in thr air. December was fast on its way and with it came cold, snow and Christmas! She adored the holiday but nothing excited her more then to go out and search for the perfect Christmas tree!
Her woods were full of them and though
there were many, she knew she would find just the right one when she saw it. It
had to be tall! At least 6 foot, and bushy and full. Not scraggly or missing
branches. It had to have a distinct smell of pine, no rot or mold upon it and
it had to be..well...perfect!
Her blood warmed in excitement as she
bundled up and heading towards the shed out back of her house, prepped and
sharpened her axe, hauled out a large sled with with to haul her tree back on,
fastening the picnic lunch she had packed for herself, she headed into the
forest. In search of just the right tree!!