Monday, April 17, 2017


"But mom!" *Rheagals young voice called out when his mother told him it was almost time for bed.* "I don't WANT to go to bed!" *He stomped his foot, which made Rebecca want to grin but she remained firm. It was late, and her children had had a full day.*

Don't talk back, young man. It's bedtime, and with it, you will get a story if you behave. Come, help me put Armand and Allya to bed too. Momma could use her Little Mans help. *She appealed to the title he called himself. He was her helper, usually, and would do anything for his siblings, especially Allya, but as of right now, he was being stubborn, and actually growling at her in his pent up little anger. Usually, that would be cute, but not now. It was to late for such a bout of temper. For a moment, she thought he would refuse to help her until he sighed and walked past her in a huff*

"Fine, but I want a GOOD story!" *He said in his little way that made Rebeccas lips twist up in a smile as she followed him into the bedroom he shared with his siblings.*

A good story huh? *she tucked each one into their beds and kissed their foreheads, settling down in a nearby rocker.* What type of story then? Hmmm?

"An adventure!" *Shouted Rheagal*

"A story about us!" *Armand said softly but excitedly*

"A story with a happy ending..." Allya whispered softly.

*Rebecca took a moment to think and then nodded slightly.* Alright, I have just the one, but settle down in your beds and get comfy. *she said as she began to rock gently in the chair. When they all said they were ready, she sighed softly and began.*

Long time ago, when the world was new, there were three children who ran wild under the suns bright rays. Two Princes and a Princess. Their names were Argos, Rhinem, and Agazi. Beautiful and brave were they, and yet unhappy since their parents were gone most of the time to tend the Earth upon which they resided over.

Argos, the shy quiet one, could call any animal he desired to him, and make a friend.

Agazi, had control of the land and could make things grow and so beautiful.

and Rhimem, could control the elements. Make it rain or snow or hot to his hearts content.

For all their gifts, they were lonely and so set out across the sky to find a place to call their own. They met many people, and had many adventures, which I will tell you later, but know that in the end, they found the home, the place they belonged and became gods and goddess in their own right and ruled as good kings and queens in the sky.

*she paused and looked over at each of her children and smiled when she saw each were asleep. Standing, she kissed each one once more before leaving the room.* Good night my Angels. Mommy loves you.

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