Friday, May 28, 2021

 Here's a few things to know about the real me:

~I'm a Heathen/Native American belief/Pagan

~I love and have trained race horses.

~I love animals in general.

~I'm in college/online for my basics in Veterinary Assistants Degree (finished!)

~I love all types of music, if it has a good beat and doesn't drive me crazy I will listen to it, but I love Bands like Lordi(from Denmark), and Eluveitie and the like.

~Video games are life.

~I love reading and writing, working on a few stories that I am sending off to a publisher soon. (keep fingers crossed)

~I'm an introvert but I hide it well, I can be social when called for though my anxiety makes it really hard at times.

~I use humor to cover up my nervousness or sadness.

~I like Itailian food...Lasagna is the BEST!

~I love to cook, I can come up with some interesting food ideas and it comes out great!

~It is easy for me to forgive people who have done me wrong, though I may never mention it again, I never forget.

~I don't like being/having awkward moments around people. (not knowing what to say or do) It frustrates me...(another time I use humor)

~I know how to 'read' people, meaning I watch and listen when they speak to me. I hear and see everything they say or do not say. I have learned to watch, and can pick up on emotions or body language, so I 'hear' everything a person doesn't say at times.

~I am a BIG Empath...I care to much at times.

~I am terribly afraid of being in the dark at night, alone. (Thanks Marines! War..NOT fun!)

~I have a big heart and like to help people....even though I am an introvert at times.

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