Thursday, February 3, 2022

Allya Xanrilyn Viserion Peredhel


️Basic information

Name. Allya Xanrilyn Viserion Peredhel


Aliases. Lea, Lee


Birth sign. Taurus


Skills. Fighting in a ton of different styles., speaks 6 different languages fluently, knows the ins and outs of every piece of machinery she puts her hands on or can guess and gets it right, Healing knowledge, Caller- Which means she can 'talk' to animals and have them 'talk' back to her.


Race. Human in one verse/ Elf-wolf in Sup verse


Place of birth. Wilheim, Germany


Places lived. Germany/Ireland/Scotland/Rivendell/Mirkwood


Current home. Lives in a small cottage in town, near the woods


Health. healthy. The only drug of choice he has been known to touch is weed and that is a very RARE occassion.


👨👩👧👦Family and Friends.

Parents. Becca Peredhel and Thannor Blodsmith (Deceased)/Lucius Malfoy (Armand's bio father)

(YES! You can have twins or ever more by TWO DIFFERENT MEN in REAL LIFE!! Researched the hell out of it before me and my friend even wrote it out ages ago.)


Siblings. Armand and Rheagal


😈Personality. ((For those who don't know yet))


Mental health. Pretty good, but she lacks social skills at times. Having grown up in a secluded cabin for most of her life with only her mother and brothers. Is very outgoing and cheerful but can sometimes miss social cues.


Fears. being caged in (Claustrophobia), drowning (nearly drowned once)


Vices. smoking weed.


Sexuallity. Demisexual. Has to be a connection there or you might just come away missing some parts.


Sex. Female


Relationships. None yet, but she has her eye on two in particular.


Pass times. Reading, writing, carving, painting, fixing on cars and bikes, training with weapons


Triggers. Just don't insult those she considers family



Home just out of town

Harley Softtail

Jeep 4X4 Off roader

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