"The cunning warrior attacks neither the body or the mind...." The Master raged at her.
"What do you mean?" As she
cowered, hoping the whip would not find her.
"The heart; Becca! FIRST YOU ATTACK
THEIR HEART!" Said between beatings since she had missed her Mark.
Such was her life....till she was shown
another way to live.
Malachai Swan
"Why don't you pick on a real warrior
instead of this heart right here." He quickly steps in and catches the
whip as it is about to strike. "Cause clearly you are attacking the body
and the mind of this one."
This had to be a dream. Had to be. Becca
had never had anyone step in for her when she was younger...and younger she
was, for she was still in a Masters care, being taught what would become her
trade for the next 26 years of her life....before her mother died and she
learned of her father's existence and went looking for him. But this
person...acted like he knew her. Yet she had never seen him before in her life!
Who was he? Did it matter? For her Master seemed terrified of him and fled!
"Power is given to those who stand up
for it, and you have that power." He keeps the whip held in his hands and
begins to walk to the fleeing master." Go rest while I teach this one a
"Wait!" She called out and
grabbed hold of his arm. "Who are you?" She asked, curious. Daring to
be bold and touch when all her life she had been taught...never touch one of
higher rank, never look them in the eye. But there was something different
about this male. He...protected her. Why?
Hearing her words but doesn't turn and
keeps his eyes facing down the hall. "I am nothing but a traveler, by the
time I leave here no memory of me will remain but what I have said about your
power will remain." He moves from her. "Now go, you will not want to
see what happens next "
She turned to head back to her cell and
curled up in a small ball. Why would someone now step in to save her? When she
had known nothing but fear and pain her entire life? She didnt know...but for
once, she slipped into dreams without fear.
She would not remember him or who he was
but that was fine for him he would see her much later in her life, he was an immortal
and that gave him plenty of time. The job was done and she would grow strong
after this.
Many years passed and it took her eons to
find that place within her life where she was most settled. Most happy. It had
been a very hard road, from Master, to losing her mother, to losing a loved one
and now to finding her own place to call home. But always, deep inside, she
wondered. What had happened to cause such a shift within her life? The last
Master she had ever had, had disappeared one night...setting her and her mother
adrift. And once her mother was dead, it had set Becca adrift. To find her own
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