It was an interesting experience, to be a
mother to two children who were obviously shifters and one who was not.
Interesting and difficult to say the least. For when Rhaegal and Armand had
shifted on their own, they had not learned yet how to shift back, and being
only babes, Rebecca was pretty sure that they would be wolves for a while.
Allya, it seemed inherited more of her Elven heritage then Rebeccas wolf blood
and for that she was a little bit grateful. She knew what it meant, to be like
herself. Half elf, half wolf....and the possibility that Rhaegal and Armand
could have inherited her darker side as well...well...was to much to think
Still though, it kept her on her toes and
every moment she thought she had a few moments to herself, turned out to be
quite different. She had to remind herself that her children were only babes,
and thus had no knowledge yet, of what life was like...and they most certainly
didn't know what the word "No" meant yet...but her two boys were soon
learning it was a word she would use with them, time and again as they grew.
As wolf pups, they were into everything and
I mean EVERYTHING! There was no keeping them in the crib with Allya because
they were to big! Rhaegal, the 'leader' of the group, was into everything. If he
wasn't sniffing around the house, he was chewing on the furniture, or knocking
over things, or running around, making Rebecca dizzy! Armand, was the more laid
back of the two wolves. He chewed on the chairs legs in the dining room but
once his mother had said a firm "NO" and gently swatted him, he
didn't do it again. He listened when his mother talked to him, tilting his
little head back and forth, as if he were really trying to learn what she was
saying. Rhaegal on the other hand, didn't pay attention, or didn't hear when
his mother called to him. He had "puppy selective hearing", Rebecca
Allya found the new pups fascinating, and
knew on some level that they were her brothers for she squealed and cooed
whenever they were near the crib, or they would come and cuddle with her when
she was laying on the furs by the fire. Her little Guardians. She could pull
their tails, nom on their noses or pull their fur to some extent, and they
wouldn't or didn't seem to mind to much. It was cute...watching the three of
them together. Three siblings, triplets and yet still so different. Two wolves
and one not.
The nurse had gotten used to the idea of
the boys being in wolf form after Rebecca had explained what had happened.
Everyone knew that Rebecca shifted to wolf, it was only natural that her
children did the same. It was a good thing the nurse had decided to stick
around, after that 'scare' for today the boys seemed particularly rowdy.
Rhaegal...don't chew on that!
Her voice carried out over the den of Allyas squeals of delight as she watched her brothers run around from where she sat on the furs.
Armand! NO! Put that down! Don't you do it....Mister, I mean it. Rhaegal...come here...did you do this? Allya please don't encourage them sweetie....Aticka (the Nurse), get Armand, he's stuck under the sofa again please...
She goes to sit by her daughter, smirking and shaking her head
What we gonna do with those boys huh sweetie? They just so silly...yes they are..
She kisses Allyas nose, loving her laugh before she sighs and snaps her fingers to get Rhaegals attention
No sir...don't you chew on that chair again....come here...
She pats the furs beside her and both pups come to her, snuggling close. She pets them gently as she cuddles Allya in her arms
See...this isn't so bad is it big girl? The boys...they so silly...aren't they?
She smiled when Allya gurgled as if in
agreement, which made her laugh.
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