Monday, January 30, 2017

Night fell, and with it came the gentle embrace of the darkness, followed by the rising of the moon, which cast it's luminescent light over the world. Though grand in its rising, the moon couldn't compare to the millions and millions of stars that twinkled and danced overhead. The cool air billowed through the open windows of the cabin and with a deep inhale, caught the attention of the Raven haired woman within.

She looked up from where she sat, cradling her daughter in her lap, with her two wee sons on either side. Still in wolf form, though Armand had managed to change back to his human form before he immediately went back to wolf. She felt the chill on the wind and was glad for the fire nearby, as she turned her gaze back to her babes. She was in the middle of telling a story, which they seemed to like, for they would always sit still, no matter what they had been doing and come to listen when she began a story.

The night of the long dark was cold, terribly cold. Much colder then it is now, and the people of the Eldar were afraid. she said softly, recounting an old story from her youth. Passed on by her mother, about her fathers people, for Rebeccas mother had been a part of Rivendell for years, before she fled into the wilds and the worlds of men, taking her unborn child with her

 One Elven Lord, haughty and full of himself strode forward and said "I will save the people. Choose me to go to ask for the Star that burns the brightest in the sky, for the Maiar will see that I am great and will give it to me."

She threw her voice to sound arrogant, which made Rhaegal bark and Allya laugh.

 But when that elven lord left, after many moons, he returned empty handed and very very silent, for you see, his voice had been taken. As one who preached so loudly about himself, he had failed the test and had lost the wager, and that had been his voice.

She warmed up into telling her story, as she smiled at her children. She petted the pups fur gently and kissed Allyas nose, making her laugh.

 Finally, there was no one who wanted to go to the Mountain of Power and all the elves thought this would surly be the end of them, till a small voice rang out over the gathering.

"I will go.."

Everyone turned and saw the small blind boy who stood there and at first everyone laughed. "He is not strong enough!" said one.

"He can not see!" cried another...and many other insults were hurled around and around and still the small boy stood there and said more firmly, "I will go." and in the midst of everyone bickering and squabbling, he turned and left to travel the trail up the mountain...and do you know what happened? she asked, making Armand bark in wonder.

He met the Maiar, and passed all their tests, gaining wisdom, knowledge and Bravery upon the way through the trails, each a gift taken from each test passed, and when he reached the pinnacle of the mountain, there stood the Great All Father, resting on his pillowy cloud atop the mountain.

"Who are you, little one, to have come so far, and what is it you desire?" The Great Father asked.

"I have no name, Great One, and I ask only for the Light of the Sun, to help warm and guide my people in times of the Long Dark and cold. We freeze and our people grow weary of death."

The Great Father weighed the boys reply, and nodded slightly.

"Since you have passed every test set before you, and have answered honestly, I grant you the light of the Eldar, and give to you the Fire from the Sun. Go back and bring life back to your people."

Bowing before the Great father, in awe, the wee boy went home as fast as his legs could carry him. He was neither hindered nor slowed for he knew the way and upon his return, was made a Great King for what he had managed to do, where others failed, and life, once more was returned to the People of the Elves and in Rivendell is where this very story took place, and that, my little ones, is why Imlardis is called "The land of the shimmering sea and sky", for Life was brought forth from the Fire of the Sun in that very spot...and you, are part of that people....wolf or elf, never be ashamed of what you are, for both have value. Both have worth, and both, are loved. 

She cradled each child to her, kissing them gently, fur and all.

Tomorrow, I will tell you the story of why the wolf howls at the moon. Would you like that? 

She grinned at the squeals and barks she got in reply.

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