Friday, March 6, 2020

 Hate and Love,

Hate and Love,

One hangs the stars,

One seeks to destroy them.

But it wasn't always thus,


Hate knew Love once.

One had to know the other,

In order to become what it became.

For there can not be any hate, without Love,

No Light without Darkness,

No good without the Bad.

But which came first?

Aha! There is the rub.

There is the mystery.

Was it love that turned to hate,

or hate that slowly turned back into Love?

Was it a gentle hand that soothed a worried brow,

Or an unexpected strike from someone that broke you?

Was it a soft word, uttered in kindness that softened you,

Or a violent barrage of words that shattered you?

Was the release of your pain that set your soul free,

Or the binding of your misery deeper into yourself that hardened your heart?

Which came first....Hate or Love?

Which do you turn to, know now above the other...

Hate or Love?

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