Tuesday, January 31, 2017


*Reading had always been a most treasured past time of Rebeccas. She could get lost in a book for hours and never grow bored of reading the same thing over and over if she really liked it. Books were an 'escape' for her, unless she was studying something, but even then, the learning that she gained from it was also an escape in of itself, for while reading such book on learning, she was there...in the material itself, soaking up each and every word as her brain stored the information away, needed for later. Such was the books she had been reading recently.

She was settled under a tree, out in the sunshine, with a book propped up on her lap, and two more open beside her. She had a pad of paper resting against the book on her lap, pen in hand as she read and reread the materiel. She had often been curious about her own kind of wolf, and had read as much as she could find upon it, but being of a rare 'breed' that inherited the 'demon's' blood from her Maternal Parentage, there wasn't much to go on. But Werewolves, however, there was plenty and it was this subject, upon which she had been reading.

Remus was a were, different then her and so that made her curious. Where she had been born this way, with the ability to change shape from one to the other, he had been bitten, and phased only with the Full Moon...which was a mere 10 days away. She embraced her wolf, and loved being in wolf fur, whereas Remus did not seem to enjoy his shifts at all, nor control it. She wondered what the real difference was between the two of them, and if there was a way to possibly help him, besides the potion he had sent for or her turning wolf and running with him, every full moon. Not that she minded, she didn't, but maybe there was something they were both missing. A clue that could unlock a whole other side to what they both were. It was a long shot, but still, she read and took notes. If it helped him, might it also help her?

Some of the stuff she read, caught her interest.

"A werewolf is is a mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf or a therianthropic hybrid wolf-like creature, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction (e.g. via a bite or scratch from another werewolf)."

Some were just plain ludicrous!

"One method of identifying a werewolf in its human form was to cut the flesh of the accused, under the pretense that fur would be seen within the wound. A Russian superstition recalls a werewolf can be recognized by bristles under the tongue"

And still others....made her bristle in anger.

"There are werewolves worldwide and they have traditionally been pariahs in the wizarding communities from which they often spring."

but then there were a few helpful things she read on, noting that the potion she had read bout, the Wolfsbane, that was used even on her during her 'demon' rising, was the most powerful potion out there, and helped to soften the blow of the change. She also noted "The monthly transformation of a werewolf is extremely painful if untreated and is usually preceded and succeeded by a few days of pallor and ill health. While in his or her wolfish form, the werewolf loses entirely its human sense of right or wrong." and that..made her pause. True, she never lost her 'human' sense of morality when in wolf form, but Remus hadn't attacked her the night they met. But then, she had been in wolf form then....and her high hopes dropped as she continued to read.

"A wolf is unlikely to attack a human except under exceptional circumstances. The werewolf, however, targets humans almost exclusively and poses very little danger to any other creature."*

Well crap...*she said to herself as her keen mind worked* Maybe if I started off wolf, and then changed.....*she spoke to herself, wondering.* He can't really hurt me, I am wolf already....hmmmm... *she made a note to come back to that thought later and continued on. The rest was fairly self explanatory and she was left with a lot more questions then she had answers for. As much about herself as about the one she loved. Why was she so different? Why did she 'keep' her mind during a shift and Remus didn't? What was the key difference between the two? There that question was again....she snorted and grabbed another book, she would think on this some more. For every question, there had to be an answer...and she would find it*

Monday, January 30, 2017

Night fell, and with it came the gentle embrace of the darkness, followed by the rising of the moon, which cast it's luminescent light over the world. Though grand in its rising, the moon couldn't compare to the millions and millions of stars that twinkled and danced overhead. The cool air billowed through the open windows of the cabin and with a deep inhale, caught the attention of the Raven haired woman within.

She looked up from where she sat, cradling her daughter in her lap, with her two wee sons on either side. Still in wolf form, though Armand had managed to change back to his human form before he immediately went back to wolf. She felt the chill on the wind and was glad for the fire nearby, as she turned her gaze back to her babes. She was in the middle of telling a story, which they seemed to like, for they would always sit still, no matter what they had been doing and come to listen when she began a story.

The night of the long dark was cold, terribly cold. Much colder then it is now, and the people of the Eldar were afraid. she said softly, recounting an old story from her youth. Passed on by her mother, about her fathers people, for Rebeccas mother had been a part of Rivendell for years, before she fled into the wilds and the worlds of men, taking her unborn child with her

 One Elven Lord, haughty and full of himself strode forward and said "I will save the people. Choose me to go to ask for the Star that burns the brightest in the sky, for the Maiar will see that I am great and will give it to me."

She threw her voice to sound arrogant, which made Rhaegal bark and Allya laugh.

 But when that elven lord left, after many moons, he returned empty handed and very very silent, for you see, his voice had been taken. As one who preached so loudly about himself, he had failed the test and had lost the wager, and that had been his voice.

She warmed up into telling her story, as she smiled at her children. She petted the pups fur gently and kissed Allyas nose, making her laugh.

 Finally, there was no one who wanted to go to the Mountain of Power and all the elves thought this would surly be the end of them, till a small voice rang out over the gathering.

"I will go.."

Everyone turned and saw the small blind boy who stood there and at first everyone laughed. "He is not strong enough!" said one.

"He can not see!" cried another...and many other insults were hurled around and around and still the small boy stood there and said more firmly, "I will go." and in the midst of everyone bickering and squabbling, he turned and left to travel the trail up the mountain...and do you know what happened? she asked, making Armand bark in wonder.

He met the Maiar, and passed all their tests, gaining wisdom, knowledge and Bravery upon the way through the trails, each a gift taken from each test passed, and when he reached the pinnacle of the mountain, there stood the Great All Father, resting on his pillowy cloud atop the mountain.

"Who are you, little one, to have come so far, and what is it you desire?" The Great Father asked.

"I have no name, Great One, and I ask only for the Light of the Sun, to help warm and guide my people in times of the Long Dark and cold. We freeze and our people grow weary of death."

The Great Father weighed the boys reply, and nodded slightly.

"Since you have passed every test set before you, and have answered honestly, I grant you the light of the Eldar, and give to you the Fire from the Sun. Go back and bring life back to your people."

Bowing before the Great father, in awe, the wee boy went home as fast as his legs could carry him. He was neither hindered nor slowed for he knew the way and upon his return, was made a Great King for what he had managed to do, where others failed, and life, once more was returned to the People of the Elves and in Rivendell is where this very story took place, and that, my little ones, is why Imlardis is called "The land of the shimmering sea and sky", for Life was brought forth from the Fire of the Sun in that very spot...and you, are part of that people....wolf or elf, never be ashamed of what you are, for both have value. Both have worth, and both, are loved. 

She cradled each child to her, kissing them gently, fur and all.

Tomorrow, I will tell you the story of why the wolf howls at the moon. Would you like that? 

She grinned at the squeals and barks she got in reply.

Sunday, January 29, 2017


*She was enjoying the silence, that only came when her wee ones were asleep. Laying upon the furs by the fire, Little Allya had tuckered herself out by watching her brothers play, and clapping and trying to crawl after them. Rhaegal and Armand, had collapsed soon after, tucking her in between their bodies, keeping their sister warm.

Sitting upon the fur nearby, Rebecca propped herself up on her elbows and just watched her wee ones as the slept. Taking in each small form and smiling softly to herself. They had grown a little bit more, their fur and hair growing as well and Rebecca wondered just how long they would be wee babes, for from what her own mother had told her, she, herself had reached her full adult height by the time she was 13. Such thoughts worried her....for though her babes were part elf, and would in a sense, live for a long period of time, she was unsure just how long that time would be. Still...she would enjoy it, for as long as she and they were able.

Reaching out, she smoothed the fur of Armand's white coat, noting the black underfur underneath. He gave a whimpering sigh in sleep and his little paws twitched, but he didn't stir. Rhaegal, wrapped around his sister in a protective gesture, huffed in sleep, his tiny tail tapped the floor as if his dreams were sweet. Little Allya, curled up in her wolf bed, slept on, each hand firmly grasping the fur of both brothers, and she had a little smile on her face. Such were the things that priceless moments were made of.

As the fire crackled in the fireplace, and silence filled the small, cozy cabin, Rebecca settled back to watch her young, dreaming and smiled again. Such a peaceful moment*

Thursday, January 26, 2017


It was an interesting experience, to be a mother to two children who were obviously shifters and one who was not. Interesting and difficult to say the least. For when Rhaegal and Armand had shifted on their own, they had not learned yet how to shift back, and being only babes, Rebecca was pretty sure that they would be wolves for a while. Allya, it seemed inherited more of her Elven heritage then Rebeccas wolf blood and for that she was a little bit grateful. She knew what it meant, to be like herself. Half elf, half wolf....and the possibility that Rhaegal and Armand could have inherited her darker side as well...well...was to much to think about.

Still though, it kept her on her toes and every moment she thought she had a few moments to herself, turned out to be quite different. She had to remind herself that her children were only babes, and thus had no knowledge yet, of what life was like...and they most certainly didn't know what the word "No" meant yet...but her two boys were soon learning it was a word she would use with them, time and again as they grew.

As wolf pups, they were into everything and I mean EVERYTHING! There was no keeping them in the crib with Allya because they were to big! Rhaegal, the 'leader' of the group, was into everything. If he wasn't sniffing around the house, he was chewing on the furniture, or knocking over things, or running around, making Rebecca dizzy! Armand, was the more laid back of the two wolves. He chewed on the chairs legs in the dining room but once his mother had said a firm "NO" and gently swatted him, he didn't do it again. He listened when his mother talked to him, tilting his little head back and forth, as if he were really trying to learn what she was saying. Rhaegal on the other hand, didn't pay attention, or didn't hear when his mother called to him. He had "puppy selective hearing", Rebecca concluded.

Allya found the new pups fascinating, and knew on some level that they were her brothers for she squealed and cooed whenever they were near the crib, or they would come and cuddle with her when she was laying on the furs by the fire. Her little Guardians. She could pull their tails, nom on their noses or pull their fur to some extent, and they wouldn't or didn't seem to mind to much. It was cute...watching the three of them together. Three siblings, triplets and yet still so different. Two wolves and one not.

The nurse had gotten used to the idea of the boys being in wolf form after Rebecca had explained what had happened. Everyone knew that Rebecca shifted to wolf, it was only natural that her children did the same. It was a good thing the nurse had decided to stick around, after that 'scare' for today the boys seemed particularly rowdy.

Rhaegal...don't chew on that! 

Her voice carried out over the den of Allyas squeals of delight as she watched her brothers run around from where she sat on the furs.

Armand! NO! Put that down! Don't you do it....Mister, I mean it. Rhaegal...come here...did you do this? Allya please don't encourage them sweetie....Aticka (the Nurse), get Armand, he's stuck under the sofa again please...

She goes to sit by her daughter, smirking and shaking her head

 What we gonna do with those boys huh sweetie? They just so silly...yes they are..

She kisses Allyas nose, loving her laugh before she sighs and snaps her fingers to get Rhaegals attention

No sir...don't you chew on that chair again....come here...

She pats the furs beside her and both pups come to her, snuggling close. She pets them gently as she cuddles Allya in her arms

See...this isn't so bad is it big girl? The boys...they so silly...aren't they? 

She smiled when Allya gurgled as if in agreement, which made her laugh.