Friday, May 26, 2017

 Do not tame the wolf inside you just because you've met someone who doesn't have the courage to handle you.

- Belle Estreller

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Evil queens are not princesses

- posted from Ettrick, VA

François Rainville: Not quite right! The evil queen lost her first love and became bitter and cold, that's not an accomplishment, returning to the good side was one, it's good that she had the help of Robin Wood to help her... For Maleficent she's a devil... The new movie has distorted all the real story to make you feel pity for a demon... I really hated that movie. What was wrong in a man wanting to risk is life to save the woman he fell for? Nooooo! Let's make him the bad guy, after all woman don't need to be saved from... a demon. It would not be alright, if she wants to jump from a cliff and die it's her right, you don't have to intervene. Bla bla bla and blablabla! Sorry lol! I really hated that movie. What I mean is there's nothing wrong with being in love, but if you are well alone that's alright too.