Friday, January 26, 2024

// Was curious about one side of Becca's story that I never wrote out because her backstory went an entirely different direction.

What if, Becca's mother, Elenna, never ran away to have her? True, her and Elrond were promised to different people when they were younger and eventually married those people (least he did), but their love was pure from the beginning. What if, when finding she was pregnant before they both married who they were supposed to, and she didn't leave to prevent causing a scandal, that Elenna gave birth to Becca within the land of her ancestors? Where Becca would not have been sold as a slave to Masters who taught her unspeakable things or did cruel and terrible things to her? Where she was actually raised as the Princess she is...whether she admits it or not?

How very different she might have turned out. It's an interesting idea. Been thinking of writing something out along those lines, once I get all the ideas straight in my head. Who would write it out with me? Can take place in any verse and multiple threads if desired.

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